Yearly Archives: 2013

Jame Reka

Ceva nou de la artistul australian James Reka.
Am mai postat AICI niste lucrari outdoor de la el in noiembrie, anul trecut.
In prezent se pregateste pentru o expozitie de grup internationala. Mai multe detalii la el pe pe BLOG.

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Nychos : Rabbiteye Movement

Studio interview with NYCHOS about the Rabbiteye Movement developing from a street art concept to an Artspace project based in Vienna, Austria.
Enjoy and follow the white rabbit!
Previous post HERE.

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CASIS Mission Patch ARK1 by Shepard Fairey

The most recent addition to the long history of space mission crew patches was announced this past weekend live on stage from the Engadget Expand event in San Francisco, CA with artwork designed by Shepard Fairey (Obey Giant, Studio Number One, Obama Hope). The crew patch artwork will mark the inaugural CASIS-managed flight to the International Space Station. CASIS (Center for the Advancement of Science in Space) is the non-profit entity setup by Congress to promote and broker research onboard the International Space Station, U.S. National Laboratory.

Named ARK1 (Advancing Research Knowledge), the September 2013 through March 2014 flight plans will be the the start of many CASIS managed flights to the ISS.

- via PR Newswire

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Alternative Stencil Fonts #3

Merkur by Malwin Béla Hürkey. Download the font from HERE.

Starbust by David Rakowski. Download the font from HERE.

Komika Krak by Vigilante Typeface Corporation. Download the font from HERE.

Tribal Garamond by Raslani Shaashimov. Download the font from HERE.

Inner City by Mike Wolf. Download the font from HERE.

Alternative Stencil Fonts : Pack #1 | Pack #2

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A Big Idea Ad

A simple style ad, that features engaging animated characters coming to life on live-action city walls.

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Banksy stencil removed, offerd for sale for $500.000

During the Jubilee, someone — probably Banksy — posted a graffiti mural on the side of a Poundland discount shop depicting a child working in a sweatshop sewing bunting with the Union flag on it. The mural attracted great attention in Wood Green, the district of London where it appeared, and local councillors took steps to ensure that it was not removed or painted over by overzealous city workers.

Then, one day, it disappeared. And reappeared in the catalog of Fine Art Auctions in Miami, with an asking price of $500,000. The auction house (which hasn’t returned any press calls on the work) claims that it got the Banksy (or “Banksy”) from a collector who assured them that it had been acquired through legal means. The Poundland shop says it had nothing to do with flogging the piece, and no one can get the building’s owner on the phone.

Meanwhile, a piece of freely given art that decries capitalism and exploitation has been removed from the neighbourhood that was so proud of it, and is up for sale for half a million dollars in America.

- via Boing Boing

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Chad Hasegawa

The art of Chad Hasegawa on the streets of San Fracisco.

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Winter State Of Mind (Part II)

Un nou videoclip semnat Dragos Stefan (a.k.a. Brain Potion), intitulat Winter State Of Mind (Part II)!
Pentru prima parte din Winter State Of Mind, clic AICI.
Iar pentru Brain Potion pe Facebook, clic AICI.

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Yarn “bombing” by german artist B-Arbeiten.

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Alec Monopoly

Alec Monopoly is the unidentified street artist speaking through the iconic board game character of the Monopoly man. Alec’s art connects the medium with the message on lampposts, billboards, and galleries throughout the world. Initially his work was fueled by concepts of wealth, excess, and the ingredients of an economic collapse, his art has since evolved to explore ideas of society and selfhood at large.

As a painter and a street artist, Alec creates work that engages and exposes the intensities of modern life. Interacting directly with the shifting concepts of power and property, his work is often created under the realities of surveillance and secrecy. While his gallery exhibitions are often sold out, Alec’s street art is found throughout major urban landscapes allowing his work to remain accessible to a diverse audience.

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