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Yearly Archives: 2013
Peeta’s Sculptures
PEETA also known as Manuel Di Rita, is a graffiti artist since 1993 currently living in Venice. He is a member of the EAD crew (Padova, Italy), FX and RWK crews (New York City) and has participated in graffiti jams and Meeting of Styles events in Europe and the Americas. His work explores the potential of sculptural lettering, both in painting and in sculpture.
Logan Hicks at LACE
Acclaimed New York-based street and stencil art visionary LOGAN HICKS today announced Thin Veils And Heavy Anchors, a new solo showing of his work in Los Angeles, CA. Thin Veils And Heavy Anchors will debut at LACE (Los Angeles Contemporary Exhibitions) on March 8, 2013 and run through March 10, 2013, and marks a triumphant return for an artist whose works have been shown in Auckland, Cape Town, Shanghai, Taipei, and just about everywhere in between.
Originally a professional screen printer, Hicks’ work has gained considerable global recognition for its exploration of the urban environment and its ability to capture the sometimes-mundane cycle of city life in a haunting, yet highly refined, manner using hand-sprayed stencils. His new body of work has evolved. The paintings have moved inside: from endless streets of colorful building facades up to six feet in scale to more intimate interior settings; from exterior cityscapes to the interiors of various buildings; and from distant lights to the direct gaze of figures who are in the process of walking away or climbing up stairs; shapes and curves of emotionless figures juxtaposed against the rigid linework of architecture bring attention to the contradictions of the city.
- via Wooster Collective
Tattooit Artists are cateva skinuri dragute pentru telefoane si laptopuri, realizate de niste artisti faini de la noi, lista cu artisti AICI.
Stylus #1 : Projection Mural
STYLUS #1 was created by Rebecca Smith & Pete Barber. It documents a very cold evening’s adventure, in which an image was hand sprayed onto a wall. The image was then projected onto using mapping techniques via Resolume Avenue. Further projections of live digital drawing and animation were created using Tagtool for Ipad. All footage is raw, no post-production.
Filmul de Joi la Carol 53 : EXIT THROUGH THE GIFT SHOP
Obiceiul de a filma absolut tot ce vede al lui Thierry Guetta, un imigrant francez din Los Angeles, il conduce spre descoperirea unei laturi interesante a vietii de noapte. Vandalism sau arta stradala? Aceasta este intrebarea al carei raspuns incearca Thierry sa-l afle. Dupa cateva luni petrecute cu artistii stradali, maestrii intr-ale graffiti-ului, pe care ii filmeaza pentru a face un documentar, tanarul francez se imprieteneste in cele din urma cu unul dintre cei mai controversati si enigmatici artisti – Bansky. Din acest punct camera se muta din mana lui in mana noului sau prieten, Thierry devenind astfel noul protagonist al filmului. Cuprins de febra artei stradale, incepe sa ii imite pe oamenii pe care pana atunci doar ii urmarea atent si ajunge intr-un punct critic in care isi gireaza casa si afacerea pentru organizarea unui spectacol de arta major, organizat in LA.
Joi (28 februarie) la Carol 53 de la 20:00.
Pagina evenimentului pe Facebook.
An Atlanta native, Alex Brewer (better known as HENSE) has been working as a visual artist for almost two decades. His free-form paintings and public mural installations incorporate a combination of lines, shapes and organic forms. His work has been described and fluid and playful, and as an explosion of pastels.
HENSE launched his career in the 1990s painting walls and writing graffiti in and around Atlanta. By 1999, he had achieved what is known as “all city status,” because his work could be found in almost every neighborhood in Atlanta. In addition, HENSE has produced exterior works across the U.S, and abroad in Spain, France, Japan, Taiwan and Mexico.
As part of his continuing efforts to work amidst the urban landscape, HENSE has adopted a variety of innovative techniques, realizing art in public spaces by means of print-making, painting, and art installations.