Yearly Archives: 2013
Urban Calligraphy : Skyfall
Living in times that hope seems to have lost it’s meaning and mankind walks in paths of uncertainty and hate, Simon finds hope in the skyfall. His calligraphy leads him through inner peace and serenity to the path of wisdom, from the free skies to a free fall in the urban surroundings we have to endure. In a pure and magical way he manages to entrap us to his world of letters with one purpose, to convey his message of change and hope crashing the black era that has emerged. A better world is possible.
Simon Silaidis is a designer, a thinker, a vision-er, a pioneer… Lately he applied his life’s love of calligraphy in the rural, urban and suburban surroundings of Asia and Europe. You will spot his work in abandoned places, in the streets and in his studio using ink and bamboo pens. His style is a mix of Western, Asian and Arabian calligraphy and his vision of a new world of calligraphy based in tranquility and symmetry dominating our surrounding is in fact the inner change he proposes to world. His twelve year successful experience as designer is only the start to what is ahead.
Objects vs. Paint
Expozitie Brain Potion
Uman Bucharest Shop (Str. George Enescu 30-32)
Vineri, 19 aprilie, ora 19
Orticanoodles is the pen name for a talented duo of Italian graffiti artists, Alita and Wally. Using intricate hand-cut stencils, Orticanoodles has created an amazing series of images influenced by pop art. Their images feature abstract text, skeletons, and well-known personas like Andy Warhol, Queen Elizabeth, and Ronald Reagan.
Orticanoodles’ work has appeared on skate half-pipes, interior walls, traditional canvases, as well as on the city walls of Paris, Amsterdam, and throughout Italy.
- via Made in Slant
The Yok & Sheryo : Fish & Chips
Venisaj Pisica Patrata
Mureşenilor 8 şi KunSTadt Art Events Management vă invită la un vernisaj “Pisica Pătrată” acompaniat de un concert “Karpov not Kasparov”. Vă oferim o seară vizuală cu unul dintre cei mai apreciaţi artişti contemporani români şi un proiect muzical atipic îmbinat cu o reprezentaţie inedită. De asemenea, sunteţi invitaţi la o expoziţie colectivă a mai multor artişti plastici care s-au remarcat prin creativitatea şi originalitatea lor.
Sâmbătă, 6 aprilie, 19:00, Mureşenilor 8, Braşov.
I Tag, I Am
Winter State Of Mind (Outro)
Finalul de Winter State Of Mind, realizat de Dragos Stefan.
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