Myneandyours’s Works In Dubai

For most of his life, artist MYNEANDYOURS lived and worked in his native London. But after 28 years there, he felt the pull to help create a culture, rather than simply be a part of one already well established. So, Myneandyours took his creative talents to Dubai. For the past four years, he’s been on a mission to transform the city’s streets by creating large-scale, immersive art in some of the most unlikely spaces.
Check out more of Myneandyours on his Website / Facebook / Instagram.

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Street Art Palermo Documentary

Palermo is the capital of Sicily. For centuries, it has been home of many civilisation, which created a number of layers of cultures, traditions, colours and people. This richness of diversity can be seen not only on the historical landmarks, but also in the street art scene that we can see today.

Check out more videos on Street Artish.

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Street Art London Documentary – Episode 3

In the third episode we will start in Dalston, looking at one of the oldest and more astonishing giant murals in London. As we walk from Dalston to Shoreditch, we will talk about the implications between street artists and the urban environment. Lastly, we will explore Hackney Road and Clare Street.

Check out more videos on Street Artish.

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Street Art London Documentary – Episode 2

In this episode we try to explain the difference between graffiti and street art. We will visit a spot that market a battle between the most famous graffiti writer and the most famous street artist and finally, wander in Camden to feel the presence of Amy Winehouse.

Check out more videos on Street Artish.

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Street Art London Documentary – Episode 1

Street art is the most spontaneous form of contemporary art nowadays. In this episode, we explore some of main artists and their works around London. We start in Star Yard, a car park with one of the highest concentration of art in London. We explore how some artists have followed Banksy, making strong political messages with their works, while others focused more on the communities around.

Artists (in order of appearance) :
Amara Por Dios, Mr Cenz, Dreph, Carleen De Sozer, Fanakapan, Orbit, Dale Grimshaw, Tom Blackford, Banksy, Thierry Noir, Otto Schade, Subude, Zabou, Jana & JS, C215, Nils Westergard, Ben Slow, Stik, Antcarver, Pyramid Oracle, Dan Kitchener, Gregos, Urbansolid and Borondo.

Check out more videos on Street Artish.

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The Art Of Hustle

The documentary The Art Of Hustle highlights street artist Tysen Knight‘s growth in the culture of street art with a perfect balance between risk and reward. Street art has become a hustle for worldwide recognition.

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Viral Vandals

In forty years, graffiti has grown from a local New York subculture into a worldwide phenomenon with its own heroes and business models. Embraced as urban decoration or buffed by all means, graffiti has escaped a slow death, mainly thanks to the internet. Actions in the real world are increasingly carried out and documented with their digital distribution in mind, leading to refreshing self-reflection and an emphasis on the performative nature of writing.

Don’t tell the taggers, but graffiti has evolved into a mature, varied artform that doesn’t shy away from difficult themes and that combines resistance against repression with a contagious hacker mentality. Meanwhile, the kick of illegality continues to be an important motivation, inextricably linked to kudos and street credibility.??

With #ViralVandals MU presents an exhibition about the second life of graffiti. Going virtually viral will replace the street in the quest for even greater visibility. New forms of expression emerge and the DNA of the scene changes irreversibly. A monument to the international, online graffiti community—young creators and global icons—in Eindhoven.

4608 & Fabian Sigurd, Boyscout, Brad Downey, Eewan, Good Guy Boris, Loiq, Mobstr, MOSES&TAPS™, MVIN, Nawas, Nug & Pike, Rage, Sauli Sirviö, TOY Crew, Utah & Ether, Veli & Amos, Zelle Asphaltkultur

Co-curators: Jasper van Es & Good Guy Boris

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New Banksy Theory

There’s a new theory about the true identity of Banksy, with new (and old) sources pointing to Massive Attack’s Robert Del Naja.

- via Independent

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The Graffiti Grammar Police

Their names?
Agent X and Agent Full Stop.

Their mission?
To fix illegible and grammatically incorrect graffiti everywhere… starting with Quito, Ecuador. Collectively known as Acción Ortográfica Quito, these two grammar vigilantes have started a movement to make the world a better place, one punctuation mark at a time.

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STENCIL.RO Games presents Graffiti Time

“Graffiti” video available on Vimeo or YouTube.

In Graffiti Time you can sneak through the city by night and paint on cars without getting detected by the police. As soon you are finished you can pick up a golden key and enter the spray can rocket to the next level.

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