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Yearly Archives: 2009
BiohazArt / Cortina Verde
Un concurs de eco street art organizat de Cortina Verde
Esti artist? Participa la primul concurs de arta urbana din Romania!
Dovedeste lumii intregi de ce esti in stare! Iar cand spunem lumii intregi ne referim la peste 15 capitale din lumea buna, de la New York la Berlin sau Paris, in care Cortina Verde te va face cunoscut.
Lucrarea sau lucrarile tale vor fi publicate in primul album romanesc de arta urbana eco, BiohazArt, care va fi lansat si promovat in mai multe orase ale lumii. Citeste detalii aici.
Conditii de participare
Executa o lucrare de street art (stencil, grafitti, paste-up, instalatie sau orice alt mijloc de exprimare) pe o tema ecologica. Fotografiaz-o in conditii cat mai bune, la o rezolutie minima de 300 dpi (2480×3508).
Trimite fotografia, pana pe 31 ianuarie 2010, insotita de datele tale de contact si adresa cat mai exacta a locatiei in care a fost executata lucrarea, la
Cortina Verde website
The Subconscious Art of Graffiti Removal
“The Subconscious Art of Graffiti Removal is an experimental documentary directed by filmmaker Matt McCormick and narrated by Miranda July that makes the tongue-in-cheek argument that municipal efforts to mask and erase graffiti is an important new movement in modern art stemming from the repressed artistic desires of city workers. The film screened at prestigious venues such as The Sundance Film Festival and the Museum of Modern Art and received both critical and popular acclaim.”
- via Wooster Collective
Stencils and Street Art
O colectie de stenciluri foarte reusite din intreaga lume, unde oricine isi poate adauga lucrarile.
Aeroart Sketch Contest
(R)Evolution of Urban Art
“Urban Art has its origins in street graffiti, spray-paint and stencils, but now it can also be seen on canvas and limited edition prints, making it a mainstream movement. This exhibition explores how Urban Art references the history of art. Through observation, research and discussion with some of the artists, similarities in styles and ideals are highlighted.
(R)Evolution of Urban Art brings together work from 15 internationally acclaimed artists: Banksy, Blek le Rat, Gavin Turk, Adam Neate, David Choe, Faile, Lorraine Robbins, Antony Micallef, Ron English, José Parlá, Elbow-toe, Sam Taylor-Wood, Candice Tripp, Swoon and Takashi Murakami.