Banksy’s Self-Destructing Painting

In a moment that caught the art world by surprise, Banksy’s Girl with Balloon self-destructed just as the final hammer signaled the end of an evening of auctions in London. The work sold for £1,042,000 ($1.4 million), tying the artist’s record in pounds at auction previously achieved in 2008.

The framed work, spray paint and acrylic on canvas, mounted on board depicted a girl reaching out toward a bright red, heart shaped balloon – one of Banksy’s most iconic images – began to pass through a shredder hidden in the frame.

- via Sotheby’s

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Hobo Graffiti

Hobos, or tramps, were itinerant workers and wanderers who illegally hopped freight cars on the newly expanding railroad in the United States in the late 19th century. They used graffiti, also known as tramp writing, as a messaging system to tell their fellow travelers where they were and where they were going. Hobos would carve or draw their road persona, or moniker, on stationary objects near railroad tracks, like water towers and bridges.

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St+art India

India is a country that bubbles with creative energy. But from the colorful fashions to the extravagance of Bollywood, the same images tend to spring to mind to us outsiders. St+art India is on a mission to change the way we think about art, India and the relationship between the two.

Founded in 2014, the group – led by Akshat Nauriyal, Hanif Kureshi, Arjun Bahl, Thanish Thomas and Giulia Ambrogi – brings colorful art projects to India’s streets.

Mainly working in residential neighborhoods with local government support, the non-profit engages the public through huge, eye-catching murals painted on street corners, intersections or apartment buildings. Since the first projects in New Delhi, St+art India has expanded to eight cities in the past four years. They’ve even been credited with creating the country’s first art district – Lodhi Colony in Delhi.

- via WePresent / WeTransfer

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Banana Art By Stephan Brusche

Stephan Brusche is considered by many to be the top banana artist on Instagram. To turn the peels into masterpieces, Stephan works with every part of the fruit (nothing wasted!) and shares a picture for preservation.

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Street Delivery 2018

Cateva poze cu peretii gata de la Street Delivery 2018.
Felicitari tuturor care au participat la acest eveniment.

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Influencer Mural

Un mural a aparut in LA unde doar pentru cei cu peste 20.000 followeri puteau sa intre in cortul amenajat sa-l vada. Dupa cateva zile, muralul a devenit public, iar cateva zile si mai tarziu, a fost desenat altceva peste el.
Ideea din spatele acestui proiect ii apartine lui Dillon Francis.


Fake Neon Lights With Spray Paint By Straker

STRAKER is an Australian street artist who paints unique murals that appear to light up the streets. His pieces look just like real neon signs, but they are actually 2D and created using only spray paint and a special technique that makes them pop off the wall.

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Spray Can Holster

Robert Tomson te ajuta cu un mic “how-to” cum sa-ti faci un holster pentru spray can-ul tau, casa fii cool noapte cand iesi sa mazagalesti peretii,precum toti copii cool. Pasii sunt simpli, usor de urmarit si cu toate cele necesare (si Google Translate) si tu poti avea un holster de srapy can-uri la moda.
Vezi toti pasii AICI.

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Dupa vechiul scandal cu ZARA care “imprumuta” design-uri (vezi articol AICI), vine randul unui alt brand super cunoscut cu super multi bani, sa testeze artistii.

Pe scurt, REVOK a facut un graffiti ca de obicei pe un perete in NY; H&M vine si isi filmeaza/pozeaza hainele in fata acelui perete; REVOK se supara ca lucrarea/imaginea lui ajunge fundal pentru H&M si cere compensatie intr-un cadru juridic; H&M refuza si vrea intr-un cadru juridic sa legalizeze folosirea tuturor lucrarilor stradale ilegale (street art & co.) pentru scopuri publicitare.

Sucks! Dar REVOK, REYES si STEEL au mai actionat acum ceva timp brandul Roberto Cavalli pentru un lucru similar si au castigat.

- via Hyperbeast

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13 years of STENCIL.RO

13 ani si 1000+ postari mai tarziu, STENCIL.RO inca exista si merge in linie dreapta inainte, catre noile frontiere ale street art-ului romanesc si global.

Vrem sa-i multumim lui ORTAKU pentru realizarea sablonului onomastic cu ocazia celor 13 ani de existeanta STENCIL.RO, si tuturor celorlalti artisti care au aparut de-a lungul aniilor pe mica noastra platforma.

Multumim si The Stencil Collective pentru realizarea sablonului si pentru materialele si spatiul pus la dispozitie.

STENCIL.RO poate fi gasit si pe Facebook / Youtube / RSS / si mai gasim noi alte locuri.

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