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Yearly Archives: 2013
The Legend Of Giants
The Legend Of Giants realizata de artista poloneza Natalia Rak.
Pentru alte lucrari absolut fantastice, de la compozitie la culori, puteti vizitati Blogspot-ul ei.
The Art Of … Graffiti
The Art Of este un show tv din America, unde in fiecare episod prezinta o arta diferita, iar in al doilea episod din sezonul intai prezinta arta graffiti-ului.
Mai sus este doar o mica parte din episod, episodul complet poate aveti noroc si il gasiti pe un tracker.
Atelier de Arta Urbana #4 Highlights
AAU este un manifest în continuă dezvoltare ce a început în 2010 la iniţiativa unor tineri pasionaţi de cultură hip-hop, ce reuneşte în fiecare an suflete tinere pline de energie, maniaci de artă contemporană şi stradală din categoria autori sau spectatori și nu numai.
Mai multe imagini din cadrul evenimentului gasiti pe pagina oficiala de Facebook, clic AICI.
Istoria electricitatii ilustrata pe peretii unui post de transformare Enel
Graham Bell, Thomas Edison, Guglielmo Marconi şi Nikola Tesla, personalitati importante ce au adus un aport dezvoltarii electricitatii, au fost omagiate de Enel prin picturi realizate pe un post de transformare din Bucuresti. Artistul urban Mihai Comanescu, cunoscut sub numele de Boeme, a reprodus pe cei patru pereti ai instalatiei amplasate sub podul Pipera sute de ani de inovatie, fara de care viata moderna nu ar fi fost la fel.
Aflat la al treilea an de desfasurare, proiectul Enel City of Energy a dedicat in 2013 mai multe posturi de transformare diferitelor forme si stiluri de arta, fiecare tema fiind unica.
Astfel, a luat nastere, pe peretii unui post de transformare din parcul Titan, Bucuresti, o uriasa carte de colorat pe care au desenat zeci de copiii, parinti si bunici inarmati cu creta colorata, acuarele si pensule.
Artistul urban Allan Dalla si-a dezlantuit energia pe zidurile unui nou post de transformare aflat in Splaiul Independentei, tot in Bucuresti, creand primul anamorphic din tara. Lucrarea, privita dintr-un anumit punct fix, dezvaluie unul dintre personajele deja cunoscute ale artistului. Anamorphicul reprezinta o proiectie sau o perspectiva distorsionata pentru care privitorul are nevoie sa utilizeze dispozitive speciale sau sa ocupe un punct de vedere specific pentru a reconstitui imaginea.
Tot in acest an, Enel a celebrat ziua Biodiversitatii dedicandu-i un post de transformare aflat in complexul Delfinariului din Constanta. Sase specii de plante, pasari si mamifere pe cale de disparitie sau amenintate din zona Dobrogei si a Marii Negre, au fost ilustrate pe peretii acestei instalatii, ca un semnal de alarma pentru tinerele generatii cu privire la protejarea speciilor.
Un nou stil artistic a fost pus in practica pe postul de transformare din Parcul Carol, unde sute de baloane pline de vopsea au fost lansate de zeci de tineri dornici de distractie, ce au reprodus opera celebrului artist Jackson Pollock. Numarul de baloane a fost decis de fanii paginii de Facebook Enel Sharing Romania, care au transformat Like-urile in baloane cu vopsea. Rezultatul a schimbat imaginea zonei din Parcul Carol, a umplut-o de culoare si de energie pozitiva.
Proiectul City of Energy va continua sa transforme orasul intr-unul plin de arta si culoare, prin opere inovatoare ale tinerilor artisti, folosind ca suport posturile de transformare ale companiei Enel.
Densers by the talented Agostino Iacurci.
Created during LGZ festival, curated by Street kit, Moscow, Russia.
Living The Dream
It isn’t enough to dare to dream. If you want something you can keep dreaming about it, or you can dare to do what it takes to make your dream come true. This positive way of looking at things seems to work out very well for this European transplant in LA.
If you haven’t noticed, the street artist and avid skater called Chase is on a campaign to help you stay mindful of the power of positive thinking and living a life that feels true to your soul. The artist’s murals, paintings, and stencil art makes abundant use of bright 60s pop colors, humor and uplifting messages to bring positive energy to others, and his work graces more than 200 murals in LA and other cities. Chase has items for sale in stores and has collaborated with Puma, Adidas, Levis (just to name a few).
The principles Chase strives to motivate through his work are representative of the artist’s approach to his own life. Like a lot of kids from broken families, the young skater got into his share of trouble growing up in Antwerp (Belgium), and the artist developed his positive mindset as a kind of survival mechanism. Chase figured out early that doing what you love is the key to being happy, and he began dreaming of getting to Los Angeles to skate. His artwork has been a huge part of what has made his dream possible. Most often, the artist can be found in the streets working on murals, cars, complete stores or billboards. Chase believes that every object presents an opportunity to create something and spread the word about his positive message.
More portraits at
Total Madness Bukarest : Editia I
TOTAL MADNESS, event cu originile bine inradacinate în cosmopolitul oras-port Constanta, isi face cunoscuta intentia de a prelua controlul asupra capitalei!
Vineri, 20 septembrie 2013, Paranoia13 si Fusion Arena va deschid calea spre “nebunie” pe ritmuri de drum’n'bass, trap si hip-hop alaturi de Yuffa & Hardocore, gAZAh & Mr. Tweaks (back-to-back) si Randoms.
Label-ul Paranoia13 va lansa o noua compilatie, E.P.-ul colaborativ Samurai x El Nino, si va asigura o prestatie live semnata Junk si Phunk B. In paralel, vor fi atat demonstraţii sportive de skate si role, cat si demonstraţii artistice de graffiti.
Cu toata lumea garantat în mood, vom petrece pâna dimineata!
Intrare 15 lei
FUSION ARENA indoor skatepark & urban club
Strada Traian Popovici nr. 79-91, Bucuresti
NuArt Festival 2013
NuArt is an annual independent international contemporary street and urban art festival established in 2001. Since 2005 the festival has focussed exclusively on Street Art making the event one of the oldest there is. The Festival is based in Stavanger on the West Coast of Norway.
The NuArt Festival follows the ethos behind the Nu teams desire to provide an annual platform for national and international artists who operate outside of traditional systems. Outsiders if you like. The event aims to stimulate debate by challenging entrenched notions of what art is, and more importantly, can be. NuArt aims to provide an internationally relevant, challenging and dynamic environment for artists, students, gallery goers and public alike, an event that aims to reflects the culture rather than try and define it.
NuArt aims to explore and present new movements and works from within the field loosely termed as “Street Art”. Street art has its roots in situationism, graffiti, post-graffiti, comic culture, stencil and street art amongst opther things. It is without a doubt the most exciting development in visual art for decades. A “movement” that has caught the imagination of the general public, collectors, auction houses and curators the world over.
NuArt consists of a series of citywide exhibitions, events, performances, interventions, debates & workshops surrounding current trends and movements in street art practice by some of the worlds leading practitioners. It’s also has something of a “summer camp” for artists about it.
Street art as a genre has developed significantly over the past few years, and NuArt is a leading festival on a world basis concerned with the task of identifying, promoting and presenting both pioneers and emerging talents within the scene. The artists who attend the festival are among the most acclaimed and progressive public art practitioners in the world.
NuArt continues to pioneer a new breed of art exhibition that is neither institutionalised nor commercial, giving the artists free reign to express themselves to the full. Without the usual restraints of curatorial and corporate preferences, the event consistently brings out the best in its invited guests.
From the second week of September an invited international team of street artists start to leave their mark on the city’s walls, both indoor and out, creating one of Europe’s most dynamic and constantly evolving public art events.
Frumusete de mural, intitulat Doina realizat pentru festivalul Plai din Timisoara.
“Cea mai mare pictura murala din Romania de pe o cladire istorica, se afla în centrul Timisoarei, pe cladirea Materna si reprezinta prezența radacinilor tradiționale în contemporaneitate.
Ea a fost realizata de doi cunoscuți artisti timisoreni Nego si Lux HiFi aka Negoița Cosmos si Andrei Dragan.
Este a doua dupa cea de anul trecut a echipei Folkolor, care l-au creat pe George primul reprezentant al Plaiului pe zidurile orasului.“