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Yearly Archives: 2013
The Art Of Punk : Crass
On the next installment of The Art of Punk, we tear into the art of Crass. From the assaulting black and white photo-realistic paintings of protest, anarchy, and social satire, to their legendary adopted brand and two headed snake and cross symbol. We head up to the Anarchist Book Fair in San Francisco to meet up with Gee Vaucher, and founding Crass member, writer, and activist, Penny Rimbaud. We discuss the art and the lifestyle stemming from the infamous Dial House, where they have lived, worked, and crated their own brand of anarchistic beauty, for more than 3 decades. We have a sit down with artist Scott Campbell, at his own New York tattoo shop, and talk about how the art of Crass, and one single t-shirt created a fork in his own road of life. Owen Thornton talks some shit. Finally we hang out with British graphic designer Dave King – the creator of the infamous snake and cross symbol, and discuss post war England, hippies, punk, graphic design, and more, that led him to the creation of the symbol made legend by Crass.
Created, directed, and Executive Produced by writer/author of ‘Fucked Up + Photocopied’, Bryan Ray Turcotte (Kill Your Idols), and Bo Bushnell (The Western Empire), The Art Of Punk traces the roots of the punk movement and the artists behind the iconic logos of punk bands such as: Black Flag (Raymond Pettibon), The Dead Kennedys (Winston Smith), and Crass (Dave King).
In addition to profiling the artists, the series includes intimate interviews with former band members, notable artists, and celebrities who have been heavily influenced by the art of punk rock including Jello Biafra, Tim Biskup, Scott Campbell, Chuck Dukowski, Flea, Steve Olson, Penny Rimbaud, Henry Rollins, Owen Thornton, and Gee Vaucher.
The filmmakers Bryan Ray Turcotte and Bo Bushnell take a unique approach to exploring the rich histories of these three seminal punk legends by focusing on the influential imagery and seeking out stories that have not been told yet through the artwork, which is integral to the importance and influence of each band.
Nuart 2013 : Call For Walls
Nuart are currently in the process of sourcing walls for this years event. As ever, we are inviting the general public, private property owners and local communities in helping us to provide some of the worlds leading names in Street Art with quality walls and interesting locations.
Everything of interest !!!
Please provide a photo, address, google street map link and an idea of dimensions.
All suitable walls and locations are packaged and forwarded to this years artists. If a wall is chosen, you’ll be contacted by a member of the Nuart team and the production process will be explained.
Nuart will formally open on Sat 7th Sept with a production period the two weeks before.
You can upload to this wall but please also forward images and any questions to
Let’s see what’s out there !
Facebook Event Page HERE.
Mike Giant : Handstyle History Lesson
Panic At The Gang!
Cateva imagini din prima zi de la Panic At The Gang! @ Pasaj Victoria de la panourile cu sabloane si graffiti.
Despre Panic At The Gang!
Deoarece dorim sa revitalizam Pasajul Victoria catalogat monument, prin organizarea unui spatiu ce adaposteste un numar de activitati interactive, cu scopul de a crea un punct de atentie care va transforma pasajul in ceva mai mult decat o simpla traversare pietonala.
Desfasurarea va fi astfel :
- ziua 1 ( 27 iunie 2013) –-este o zi destinata artei urbane si a expresiei libere.
Atmosfera va fi intretinuta printr-un amalgam de street art, graffitti si stencil create de artisti cunoscuti printre care se numara Sofie , Sinboy , Why , Ortaku , Reck , Sore , etc .
-pe seara va asteptam sa va racoriti pe terasa Panic la proiectia filmului Exit through the gift shop daca vreti sa aflati mai multe despre Banksy , apoi ne retragem in interior pentru Oldboy si Enter the void.
- ziua 2 (28 iunie 2013) va asteapta cu standuri si workshop-uri :
• Creative Arts -ne arata ca reciclarea poate fi fun.
• Mo-K Cakes – muffins on the house ( GRATIS).
• Post Industrial Stories -ne prezinta arta semiobscura a fotografiei industriale.
• Atelierul de Panza – workshop interactiv de pictura.
• Cityclete – …indragostiti de biciciclete urbane.
• Carol 53 – ne prezinta evolutia casei de pe Carol 53 si importanta monumentelor.
• Voodoo Prosthetics – acesorii hand made
• Gen90- pregăteşte file pline de articole proprii, dar şi ocazia de a te juca de-a scrisul.
• Ceainaria Tabinet – ne imprumuta o colectie interesanta de board –games .
- ziua 3 ( 29 iunie 2013 ) – deoarece Pasajul Victoria este vizitat cel mai des de studentii de la Universitatea de Arhitectura si Urbanism „Ion Mincu” vom organiza un concurs pentru proiectele acestora . Proiectele lor vor fi expuse si premiate pentru a sustine tinerii arhitecti si viitorul Bucurestiului cu speranta ca vo avea grija de monumentele lui .
Facebook Event Page HERE.
The Calligraphy Blanket
The Calligraphy Blanket is a 50″ x 70″, 100% cotton digitally woven tapestry that keeps mind, body and soul warm. Produced in a limited edition and signed by Drury Brennan (the artist), the text is a meditation on the idea of comfort:
“In life, it is essential to be comfortable. To snuggle up with a puppy or loved one is a rare occurrence in an increasingly cold world. Get warm, stay warm – Open yourself up to true moments of joy.”
Product page HERE.
Instant Art Career
An interactive installation with a sophisticated painting machine which turns anyone into a successful artist. For more details about the project, click HERE.
Contest Nestea
Propune un design original plecând de la povestea NESTEA până pe 17 iulie 2013!
Dacă eşti pasionat de ilustraţie, design sau fotografie, intră pe, arată-ne că talentul tău merită să fie văzut de toată lumea şi poţi câştiga unul dintre premiile puse la bătaie!
Membrii juriului, Radu Manelici, Sebastian Opriţa şi Andrei Radu dezvăluie primele interpretări ale briefului creativ.
Fie că eşti ilustrator, designer sau fotograf, tot ce-ţi trebuie este inspiraţie. Acceptă provocarea şi intră acum în competiţia de artă NESTEA!
Propune un layout şi dacă eşti câştigător lucrarea ta va fi admirată de toată lumea!
Intră pe, descarcă brieful şi intră în competiţie!