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Yearly Archives: 2013
Stencil Art Norway
Cateva imagine de la expozitia Stencil Art Norway care a avut loc pe data de 13 Aprilie – 5 Mai, in Stavanger, Norvegia. Printre artistii care au expus la aceasta expozitie se numara si DOLK, PØBEL, ANDERS GJENNESTAD AKA STRØK, MARTIN WHATSON, DOTDOTDOT, MIR, STEIN, & HAMA.
“ Street Art Norway takes an historical look at the art of cutting and spraying in Norway. It brings together two generations of artists and presents work, much of it exclusive to the show, spanning over a decade of production. It wasn’t long after Banksy’s visit to Bergen in 2000 that now globally recognised stencil artist Dolk cut his first stencil. Banksy’s visit kick started a Norwegian love affair with the stencil that influenced a generation who in turn are influencing the next.
Street Art Norway takes a look at these early days and follows the culture up to the present day in this, Norway’s first group exhibition dedicated exclusively to Norwegian Stencil Art.”
Mai multe imagini pe site-ul organizatorilor, AICI.
Stencil Art Prize : World Stencil Prize
The inaugural World Stencil Prize is now open for entries. Deadline for entries is 15 August 2013.
The winner of the 2013 World Stencil Prize will take home a $2000 cash prize (Australian Dollars) and win the world title. The inaugural World Stencil Prize will exhibit alongside the Australian Stencil Art Prize at the Chrissie Cotter Gallery in Sydney from the 16 – 27 October 2013.
The Prize is run by the organisers of the Australian Stencil Art Prize. After many inquiries from international artists asking to enter the Australian Stencil Art Prize, it became evident that there was a demand for an international prize.
The Stencil Art Prize is the only large scale prize in the world that exists to recognise and reward stencil artists. The Stencil Art Prize has two entry categories – the Australian Stencil Art Prize (Australian artists only) and the World Stencil Prize (open to all artists).
From 2009 – 2012, the Australian Stencil Art Prize was the only art prize of its kind and will celebrate its fifth anniversary this year.
In response to mounting interest from international stencil artists, the organisers of the Australian Stencil Art prize have restructured the annual prize and launched the Stencil Art Prize in 2013. This year, for the first time, international artists will have the opportunity to submit artworks for judging through the World Stencil Prize category of the Stencil Art Prize.
Objective :
- Recognise and reward stencil artists
- Provide recognition for stencil art as an artform in its own right
- Archive stencil art
Criber Graffiti Contest Photos
Cateva poza de la Concursul de Graffiti CRIBER, de pe 12 iulie de la Piatra Neamt.
Pentru restul pozelor, le gasiti AICI. Poze realizate, desigur, de Ciprian Sarbu.
Felicitari participantilor!
REVOK and POSE and the Transformation of The Houston Wall
“It took 80 hours and seven humid, sticky days and nights to complete, longer than it took God to make Heaven and Earth, according to scriptures.
But the powerful transformation of the famed Houston street wall that took place last week had as profound an effect on many New York fans of street art and Graffiti as the melting of the North and South poles. And that was probably intentional.
Of the many references are three call outs to their recently and painfully departed MSK brother Nekst, who a handful of crew members had joined together to eulogize on smaller walls in Brooklyn the previous weekend. Among the other names included are Ayer, Vizie, Cheech Wizard, Omenz, Sace, Case 2, Semz, Tie One, Rammellzee, and “All You See is Crime in the City” –- a phrase associated with a famous train car work by Skeme from the 1980s documentary “Style Wars”. The guys even did shout outs to their kids.
Aside from the art category labels and the odes to community, both Revok and Pose are doubled up on this wall because of their common regard for sampling – that is, the combining of a variety of disparate elements and re-contextualizing them. As a basis for their fine art show that just opened at Jonathan Levine Gallery while they were in the city, the two have found that they both have a fairly active studio practice that they can collaborate on also.
Restul articolului AICI.
- via The Orion
Criber Graffiti
Detalii despre concurs AICI.
Suntem foarte curiosi despre lucrarile si rezultatul final.
Doua Sabloane Religioase
Interviu cu Ortaku
“Ortaku este un artist din Bucuresti ce practica graffiti-ul sub forma de stencils si paste-ups de mai bine de 10 ani. A participat la concursuri si a desenat prin mai multe tari din Europa.
Rape: Cum ai ajuns la concluzia ca graffiti-ul este hobby-ul tau?
Ortaku: Eram prin anul 2000, la liceu, aveam cativa colegi writeri, admiram ce faceau si mi-am dat seama ca asta vreau si eu sa fac.
R: Ai participat la concursuri?
O: Da, de-a lungul timpului am participat la ceva concursuri. Cum asta este singura mea sursa de venit caut sa particip la concursuri, campanii publicitare, prezentari in care sa-mi explic activitatea.
R: Cum ti s-a parut experienta?
O: Anu’ trecut, prin septembrie, am aflat de un concurs organizat de Enel. M-a incantat teribil ideea de a face 2000 lei in cateva ore asa ca am inceput sa imi fac deja planuri cu banii, motiv pentru care am stat super stresat pana la sfarsit cand s-au anuntat castigatorii.
R: Ortaku a fost primul tau tag? Inseamna ceva aparte?
O: Primul meu tag a fost Thor (vreo 2-3 saptamani) in 2000, poate 2001. Desi toate caietele aveau zeci de foi cu taguri, pe pereti nu mi-a iesit nimic ok, la fel a fost si cu Desp, apoi Desir, apoi Otaku. De Otaku eram multumit, imi placeau caracterele, insa dupa ceva timp am inceput sa ma confund cu festivalul si respectiv curentul otaku, asa am decis sa adaug un R, asa nascandu-se ORTAKU.”
Interviu realizat de RAPE pentru HipHopLive. Tot interviul il gasiti AICI.
Arena Unofficial Outbreak
Sambata, 13 iulie 2013, isi deschide portile Fusiona ARENA, cea mai noua locatie din Bucuresti dedicata tinerilor nonconformisti si iubitori ai culturii si sporturilor urbane.
Cei mai curiosi si nerabdatori skateri, bikeri si rolleri sunt invitati sa testeze, sa analizeze si sa isi inceapa antrenamentul pentru un concurs de amploare, dedicat lor, care va avea loc la inceputul lunii august, la deschiderea oficiala a skatepark-ului.
Distractia continua si dupa lasarea serii. Atmosfera va fi intretinuta de Planet H si DJ Sauce, care vor aduce invitatii pe culmile dubstep-ului si a muzicii electronice, facandu-i sa simta vibratia serii pana la rasaritul soarelui.
Pentru ca petrecerea sa fie una memorabila, fiecare invitat va primi cate un shot de bautura din partea casei.
Pentru mai multe detalii, va recomandam si urmatorul video:
Program Fusion ARENA :
11:00-19:00 Free Session @ Fusion Arena
23:00 Party Planet H & DJ Sauce
Intrare libera
We want you here!
Strada Traian Popovici , nr 79-91
Facebook Event Page, clic AICI.