Category Archives: Obey
Shepard Fairey 2020 Wall Calendar
Personally designed by Shepard Fairey, this collectible Shepard Fairey 2020 Wall Calendar features never-before-seen art. To call Shepard Fairey a “street artist” is a little deceptive. Although he rose out of the skateboarding scene creating his “Andre The Giant Has A Posse” sticker campaign in the late ’80s, he has achieved a mainstream recognition that most street artists never find. If you’ve seen the Obama Hope poster or the OBEY logo, then you know artist/activist Shepard Fairey.
Can be purchased on Amazon from HERE.
Painted Oceans
The Painted Oceans feature documentary film will follow the trajectory of 7 of the world’s most famous street artists; SHEPARD FAIREY, HOW & NOSM, FURURA 2000, LONDON POLICE & TRISTAN EATON, as they live together for a month on the abandoned Maunsell Sea forts and paint them. We will follow them from beginning to end, capturing all of the ups and downs along the way. We hope to tell a very personal story as each artist goes against the odds and risks everything to paint epic murals in the middle of the ocean.
- via The Orion
HENNESSY – Shepard Fairey’s Limited Edition
Hennessy continues to collaborate with the greatest street artists and commissioned us to follow Shepard Fairey in Los Angeles, Cognac and Paris. This short-documentary faithfully and passionately conveys Shepard’s creative process on his way to this unique bottle design.
Obey This Film
Florin Salam Reprezinta OBEY In Romania
Florin Salam a devenit anul acesta purtatorul de cuvant pentru OBEY Giant, in urma semnarii unui contract cu Shepard Fairey pe 100 de ani pentru a promova si urbaniza brandul OBEY, de la haine pana la street art.
Desi OBEY era, sa zicem, deja cunoscut la noi ca un brand american de haine urbane si poate altii mai stiau si de ceva arta urbana, din aceasta vara Florin Salam a deschis larg usa unui nou val de clienti, care il vor imbogatii pe Shepard Fairey. Noii clienti sunt iubitorii de manele si de muzica buna in general, muzica de petrecere, si de ce nu, in viitor chiar muzica de filme cu graffiti pentru ca de ce nu?
Melodia mega shit se numeste ‘Esti bomba’ (in sensul de bine al cuvantului) cu inca un artist talentat ca domnul Salam, care este cunoscut dupa numele de Susanu (in sensul bun al cuvantului aparent), din care se regasesc si imaginile de mai sus si de mai jos, in care domnul Florin Salam promoveaza marca OBEY si nu numai, LA Dogers si NY Yankees.
Din pacate nu putem arata tot videoclipul aici, nici macar sa punem link catre el, din cauza contractului nostru cu firma rivala Gioryoh Armany Giggolo Urbani, ne cerem scuze daca ati ajuns pe site-ul nostru dorind sa vedeti acest clip, dar din pacate nu a fost decizia noastra, iar avocatii nostrii nu au putut face nimic.
De cand a fost incheiat contractul si lansat videoul pe plan global, OBEY si-a marit piata de vanzare in Romania cu 90%, dintre care 89.9% din magazinele care vand echipamente autentice OBEY se gasesc in Bucuresti in complexul comercial Dragonul Rosu. De la sosete pana la pasta de dinti OBEY, desigur autentice fiind semnate chiar de Shepard insusi.
Intr-un final, ne bucuram de directia in care brandul OBEY o ia in Romania si ne asteptam numai la lucruri bune de la Florin Salam ca si pana acum. Doamne Ajuta!
Painting The City : 10 Ani De Wooster Collective
Wooster Collective sarbatoreste aniversarea de 10 ani de existenta, asa ca au angajat artisti precum Obey, Faith47, London Police, Eltono, Buff Monster si multi altii,sa realizeze murale pe cateva din strazile New York-ului.
“10 Years of Wooster Collective: 2003-2013 is a celebration of urban art and its incredible diversity of creativity over the past decade. Marc and Sara Schiller founded Wooster Collective out of their genuine desire to share with the world the ephemeral art they were witnessing emerge from their downtown Manhattan neighborhood. The artwork featured in the show captures the energy, creativity and message of the artists who have grown with Wooster Collective over the years; they have been showcased on Wooster Collective’s website, in the monumental 11 Spring Street show and in Trespass: A History of Uncommissioned Urban Art, a collaboration with the publisher TASCHEN and art historian, Carlo McCormick.
While street artists express themselves in a myriad of ways, they are joined by a set of common principles: reclaiming public space, beautifying the environment and the fighting for the freedom of speech. Street art has become the catalyst for people of all cultural and economic backgrounds to challenge the system and express themselves without any filter. Marc and Sara Schiller have been avid supporters of the movement by acting as a mouthpiece to help artists promote their message to a wider audience through the global community online. Ultimately, 10 Years of Wooster Collective: 2003-2013 is a celebration of street art’s power to transform people and societies for the better.”
Mai sus cateva imagini din lucru la muralul lui Shepar Fairey (Obey). Pentru restul pozelor clic AICI.
OBEY THE GIANT : The Shepard Fairey Story
This film is based on the true story of Shepard Fairey’s first act of street art during his time at Rhode Island School of Design from 1989-1992.
- via The Orion
CASIS Mission Patch ARK1 by Shepard Fairey
The most recent addition to the long history of space mission crew patches was announced this past weekend live on stage from the Engadget Expand event in San Francisco, CA with artwork designed by Shepard Fairey (Obey Giant, Studio Number One, Obama Hope). The crew patch artwork will mark the inaugural CASIS-managed flight to the International Space Station. CASIS (Center for the Advancement of Science in Space) is the non-profit entity setup by Congress to promote and broker research onboard the International Space Station, U.S. National Laboratory.
Named ARK1 (Advancing Research Knowledge), the September 2013 through March 2014 flight plans will be the the start of many CASIS managed flights to the ISS.
- via PR Newswire
MTN Obey
Montana limited edition cans from Obey!
MTN has the honor to present the trilogy of Obey Limited Editions, each model representing one of the three classical Obey colours (black, cream and red). Each colour is included in this pack.
Only 500 worldwide. Each can comes in a custom wood box with Obey stamp.
Shepard Fairey : Obey to be Better!
“Introducing the American artist Shepard Fairey is a bit like explaining whose portrait he famously altered for the “Hope” campaign that was widely used by Barack Obama’s supporters in 2008. Since the mid 1980s he has created outstanding (then: street) art that is strong, iconic and expressive.
Shepard Fairey is also a thoughtful, committed, and outspoken activist who revives the artistic virtues of standing up for the freedom of speech and fighting for rational and non-corporate ways of dealing with the issue of copyright. Obey the interview we did with him in Los Angeles in late 2010!”
Video made by