Yearly Archives: 2012

Ortaku Stencil Workshop Photos

Cateva poze de la workshopul de stencil, tinut de ORTAKU.
Acum asteptam sa apara clipul.

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Art In The Streets : Women Are Heroes

Courtesy of JR, this classic film shows the artist’s Women Are Heroes project in the Morro da Providencia flavela in Rio de Janiero, Brazil in 2008. JR’s intention in Women Are Heroes is to highlight the dignity of women who occupy crucial roles in societies, and find themselves victims of wartime, street crime, sexual assault, and religious and political extremism in Africa, Brazil, India and Cambodia. The film was included in MOCA’s Art in the Streets exhibition.
Film and project by JR.

- via ORTAKU

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Workshop de Stencil

Cei de la Reciclare creativa au un atelier nou cu niste pereti albi numa buni de desenat. Au acceptat sa ne puna la dispozitie o suprafata pentru acest workshop si au obtinut vopsea prin sponsorizare de la Baumax. Locatia este in Centrul de tineret al Bibliotecii Metropolitane.
De-a lungul timpului multa lume si-a aratat interesul de a invata cum se fac sabloanele. Acest workshop, fiind primul de acest gen va va invata cum sa prelucrati o poza in Photoshop pentru a putea ulterior sa o transformati in stencil. Vom prelucra mai multe imagini iar una dintre ele va fi printata pe mai multe coli a4. Fiecarui participant ii va reveni cate o coala sau 2 pe care sa o decupeze apoi sa o aplice cu spray pe perete. Imaginea finala va fi un portret de 1.20/1.20 m.

Locatie : Strada Coltei nr. 27 (AICI)
Workshopul este tinut de ORTAKU.
Multumiri celor de la Reciclare Creativa.

Participarea este GRATUITA.



Street artist Ortaku meets up with graffiti artist Chaser for this indoor piece.
Check out this great time-lapse made by the two artists.

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KRINK : The Best Drip Ink in Graffiti

VICE caught up with Craig Costello, graffiti artist and creator of KRINK, the notorious brand responsible for drip style markers, mops, and fire extinguishers.

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Bucharest Typography

Shop sign in the old part of Bucharest.

A mix of official writing and street lettering on a sign made for a some kind of turism agency.

Pub sign in the old part of Bucharest.

Old public telephone sign around old Bucharest.

Bucharest Typography has a nice collection of different signs and lettering found on the streets of Bucharest.

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James Reka este un artist de street art australian care face lucrari excelente de indoor si outdoor.

James Reka is a young contemporary artist based in Melbourne, Australia. Since 2002, Reka has established himself as a pioneer in Melbourne’s burgeoning street art scene. His origins lie in the alleyways and train-lines of the city’s inner-suburbs, and his popularity has seen him grow to being exhibited on gallery walls the world over. His character work has come to represent the beginning of a new style of street art – surrealist, abstracted creatures emerging from the depths of Reka’s mind, communicating through strong lines, dynamic movement and bold colours. Theses figures haunt the laneways throughout Australiasia, clambering up brick walls and giving the urban environment a literal fresh coat of paint. Their personalities mirror those of their often-decrepit metropolitan context, opening a dialogue between the viewer and their surroundings. With influences in pop culture, cartoons and illustration, Reka’s style is instantly recognisable and respected within the community. This style emerged from his Pop Art influenced logo design skills, featuring simple but striking lines and colour ways. He also has a strong grounding in anime and vinyl toy culture. Over time the logos and symbols evolved into more structured, animated forms and embraced the variances of the different media he began to work with such as murals, graphics and photography.

Through these origins, Reka has developed an incredibly diligent, almost obsessive attention to the technical proficiency of his work, and it has moved him towards producing ever-increasingly meticulously detailed work. His pieces sit somewhere between humourous and menacing, contrasting the two opposing feelings in a way that is unique to his vision. The pseudo-human forms are recognisable but isolating and playful yet eerie. This is Reka’s art: a paradox between sharp design and graffiti, held together with a fuse of passion and spray paint. His handiwork can be seen on both street and gallery walls from Melbourne’s inner suburbs to high-rises in Japan. Reka’s paintings have recently been acquisitioned by the National Gallery of Australia for their permanent collection, cementing his place as one of Australia’s most respected contemporary street artists.

Pentru o multime de lucrari de la Reka, va invitam la el pe blog. Clic AICI.

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Urban Elements

Seria Urban Elements realizata de Boris Loder.

The work-in-progress series Urban Elements is concerned with objects that constitute our everyday urban environment. Employing minimalist graphic elements, the images are processed in the style of architectural sketches and present the elements isolated of their surroundings, thereby laying full attention to the respective object and its individual appearance and geometry. The aim of using this particular style is to point out the contrast between the planned and clear lines of the building’s architecture and the individual character the object acquired through time by its exposure to the urban sphere. Dirt, decay, but also transformation in the form of street art characterise the objects of this series and lend them character.
It is this tension between clear geometry and imperfection that Urban Elements is devoted to.

Pentru restul imaginilor din seria Urban Elements, clic AICI.

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Expo Comics @ Carol53

Cateva poze de ieri (3 noiembrie) de la expozitia de comics din Casa Carol 53. O atmosfera foarte placuta acolo, mai ales cand vezi ca unii artisti au ales sa deseneze live pentru expozitie acolo.
Expozitia mai este deschisa publicului destul timp, asa ca aveti destul timp sa va duceti sa o vedeti.

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The City Of Energy Teaser + Pictures

“The City Of Energy Teaser” video pe Vimeo sau YouTube.
Asadar, cateva poze si teaserul pentru “The City Of Energy” un eveniment sustinut de Enel, unde 10 artisti au luat parte la un live painting, patru dintre ei avand sansa sa vopseasca cateva posturi de transformare + 450€.
Evenimentul s-a desfasurat in Parcul Tineretului, iar artistii care au participat sunt Score, The Fly, Cutarica, Lelia Spineanu, Madalina Baracu, Ache77, Ortaku, SeReBe, Marius Toma si Elena-Greta Apostol.

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