“The Orion straluceste in galeria artistilor de street art inca de la prima expozitie oficiala de stencil in Romania. Colaborarile cu branduri notabile si proiecte originale au consolidat un proces continuu de transformare, de evolutie a perspectivei asupra creatiei in street art. The Orion se redescopera pe parcurs, in quest-ul sau de explorare a limitelor galaxiei street art.”
Check out the rest of Grolsch article about romanian street artist The Orion, by clicking HERE.
The Orion – Change The City Timisoara
Rabbits By Pantonio
Pantonio is an established name in the street art circuit in Portugal. Known for human-animal hybrids in motion, and fishes and lots of rabbits. His characters seem to be part of a moving picture, which are incredibly painted with elongated black bodies and textured lines.
You can check out the works of Pantonio, on his Website / Facebook.
- via Scene360
RED VAPORZ : Russian Graffiti And Street Art
RED VAPORZ a russian graffiti & street art documentary by Vasco Lopez and Nicolas Delpeyrou, featuring artists ZukClub, Roof 169, Mednoy, Luka, Vitae Viazi, Slava Ptrk, Milky, Nomerz, Ivan Yagoda, Vladimir Abikh, FLM, Destroyers Crew, Sindik, Dima Oskes, Calypso, Leto, VGA, Ludi Sten and Jeka.
WEEDS by Mona Caron
“This analog animation & mural series is inspired by the resilience of urban weeds.”
Mural paintings, photography, animation, video edit by Mona Caron.
Banksy Does New York
Banksy Does New York is a documentary chronicling the famed street artist’s “31 works of art in 31 days” in New York city.
The trailer can be seen HERE.
ZEVS Interview For Canal Street
Aguirre Schwarz a.k.a. ZEVS does an interview for Canal Street and speaks about his evolution as a street artist.
C215 Stencils In Far Cry 4
16 beautiful stencils done by Christian Guémy a.k.a. C215 can be found in Far Cry 4. Ubisoft Montreal commissioned the stencils from french street artist C215 to be include in the open world of fictional Himalayan region of Kyrat.
Klaus Iohannis Stencils
In campania dintre turul I si II al prezidentialelor, in campania lui Klaus Iohannis au fost folosite cateva imagini cu imaginea sa in format de sablon pentru, probabil a mobiliza oamenii la vot si sa para ca undeva sunt oameni care fac sabloane cu Klaus Iohannis pentru ca le pasa.
Cumva apreciam sabloanele ca fiind o idee fresh, dar tinand cont cum sabloanele sunt si au fost folosite impotriva unei idei politice, si nu sunt apreciate cand sunt folosite in promovarea unui lucru cool si urban… nu este un lucru frumos.