Yearly Archives: 2011
How To Sell A Banksy Trailer
“Banksy’s work now reportedly changes hands for millions. But he puts up his street art for free. Have you ever wondered what would happen if you got your hands on one of these?
Does it mean you’ve found a winning lottery ticket or just scraped some worthless crap off a wall?
Going up against the Art Establishment, Critics, Auction Houses, Gallery Owners and Authentication Boards in a quest for the elusive meal ticket, two filmmakers unwittingly gatecrash the murky and protective world of Banksy.
“HOW TO SELL A BANKSY” raises questions of ownership, authentication and the true value of art itself. Through all the chaos and incompetence comes a modern-day, true-story, crime-theft, comedy-caper.”
Pentru ca a trecut ceva timp, si din golurile arhivelor de graffiti din Romania, am zis sa scoatem de la naftalina niste imagini de la Write 4 Gold din data de 20 mai 2006. Prezentam acest videoclip ca facand parte din categoria “oldies but goldies”, deoarece era primul Write 4 Gold reusit de la noi, a fost multa energie la eveniment, desene extraordinare, fiind un deliciu pentru noi. Castigatorii se gasesc AICI.
BLU – 2010 – DVD
BLU – DVD – 2010 is the first dvd published by street artist Blu, containing a collection of the videos made during the last 10 years, including: wall painted animations, time-lapse documentation of many murals, other hand drawn animations and over 40 minutes of extra contents. Running time 105 minutes.
Get it from HERE.
NIGHTSHIFT : Aitch, Irlo, Noper, Saddo & Sinboy
In 2010 McCann Pop Up Gallery si-a deschis usile cu expozitia NIGHTSHIFT, avand lucrari expuse ale artistilor Aitch, Irlo, Noper, Saddo si Sinboy; iar in seara vernisajului o sesiune live de desen cu toti 5 artistii.
Vernisajul a fost pe 11 iunie, venind foarte multa lume (fiind si Noaptea Alba a Galeriilor), iar lucrarile artistilor putand fi vazute pana pe 25 iunie.