Yearly Archives: 2011
Zilele Tineretii 2011
Zilele Tineretii s-au desfasurat la Resita in perioada 30 aprilie – 1 mai, fiind organizate de Asociatiei Cogito, Casa de Cultura a Studentilor si de Primariei Resita.
Poze de la partea cu graffiti de la zidul din Tiraj, le gasiti AICI.
Expozitie de Opt Ore Video
Clipul de la vernisajulu evenimentului ‘Expozitie de Opt Ore’ unde au fost expuse, proiectate lucrarile lui JSM (Aafonn), plus un live paiting session.
Mai multe detalii gasiti AICI.
ARTWURST – Arta la sul! Si cei mai tari ilustratori, la crème de la crème, zece din zece: Saddo, Heliana, Matei Branea, Ciubi-Pisica Patrata, Ghica Popa, Nicu Duta, Kraimann, Re’Drops, Sinboy si Noper, organizatorul evenimentului, va asteapta la ALERT studio vineri, 13 mai, la 19:00, cu prima serie de ilustratii “pe banda”, gata de luat acasa.
ARTWURST este primul experiment « carte blanche » la ALERT studio. Artistul caruia i se da mana libera nu mai este doar artist ; el reformuleaza spatiul, se joaca de-a curatorul, isi invita prietenii si – pe scurt – isi face de cap.
ARTWURST – Art in a bundle-roll! Best illustrators, la crème de la crème, ten out of ten: Saddo, Heliana, Matei Branea, Ciubi-Pisica patrata, Ghica Popa, Nicu Duta, Kraimann, Re’Drops, Sinboy and Noper, the organizer of this event welcomes you at ALERT studio on Friday, May 13th at 19:00, with the first series of “on the roll” ready to take home illustrations.
ARTWURST is the first « carte blanche » experiment at ALERT studio. The artist who is given a free hand is no longer simply an artist; he transforms the space, he plays curator, invites his friends, in brief, he is painting the town red.
Q Street Art Expo
In perioada 13-15 mai 2011 Outsider Art Foundation by Dimisca prezinta “Q Street Art Expo”, eveniment ce va avea loc la Galeria de Arta Moderna, fiind prima expozitie de Street Art din Piatra Neamt si din regiunea Moldovei.
Vineri 13 mai ora 17:00, Laurentiu Dimisca – fine artist art curator si fondatorul Outsider Art in Romania va fi prezent la eveniment.
Vor fi prezentate lucrari realizate de Quick’s Crew (Ro, Nazek, Pren,Cd) care pot fi achizitionate fiind o expozitie cu vanzare.
Atmosfera va fi destinsa de muzica buna si bauturi gratis.
Eventul pe Facebook este AICI.
Galeria de Arta Moderna
B-dul Republicii nr. 40 (vis-a-vis de Hotel Bulevard)
Piatra Neamt, Romania
Chubbs, Prime, Ser and Wisk paint for Art in the Streets, wich is the first major U.S. museum survey of graffiti and street art. Curated by MOCA Director Jeffrey Deitch and Associate Curators Roger Gastman and Aaron Rose, the exhibition will trace the development of graffiti and street art from the 1970s to the global movement it has become today, concentrating on key cities such as New York, Los Angeles, San Francisco, London, and Sao Paulo, where a unique visual language or attitude has evolved. The exhibition will feature paintings, mixed media sculptures, and interactive installations by 50 of the most dynamic artists and will emphasize Los Angeles’s role in the evolution of graffiti and street art.
Video made by Greg Roman.
Angry Birds + Banksy = Angry Birdksy
Angry Birds + Banksy’s Flower Chucker = Angry Birdsky
Made by Brandon Ortwein.
Post Graffiti
Beautiful Post Graffiti project made by Matox.
“Nuno de Matos, aka Matox, has grown up at Saint-Céré, France, near the alelier of Jean Lurçat. He studied at the University of Toulouse, now he lives at Eus, a famous village in the French Catalonia.
He draws since he was a child and paint since the 80s. His paintings have evolutes, from body diagrams to expressive abstracts textures. The basic line is the principal structure of his work.
Street art, urban art of the streets of Lisbon and Barcelona, and rupest art of his Quercy’s roots have influenced his graffiti work. Bombing art, spray and calligraphy are explored in abstract and expressionist paintings. Tribal Graffiti, Webtagging and laser tagging are for him new ways of expression.
He realizes video skinning for live performance (neograffiti, laser painting, projection on walls, graffskining, lightdesign, lightgraffiti), post-graffiti live in mix sessions. He works principally at Eus, but also in Lisbon, Toulouse and Barcelona.
His work is showed in many projects, principally in the area of Post Graffiti events and multimedia installations all around Europe.”
Check out the rest of the project and updates on the Blog or Flickr.
“A couple of months ago, ad-projectors appeared in a Berlin subway station, throwing moving images all over the station walls and lifting visual aggressiveness to a new level. Since the images were projected, we could get between projector and projection to fight this new quality of exaggerated advertisement with its own weapons. Minimalinvasive adbusting devices made of mirrors, magnets and quite some ducktape.“