Yearly Archives: 2011
Big illa
2.4 x 2 m | 5 Layers Monochrome Stencil
Produs de Ache la uzinele de street art din Barlad, Romania.
Light Painting With Wi-Fi Signal
“The city is filled with an invisible landscape of networks that is becoming an interwoven part of daily life. WiFi networks and increasingly sophisticated mobile phones are starting to influence how urban environments are experienced and understood. We want to explore and reveal what the immaterial terrain of WiFi looks like and how it relates to the city.”
To check out more about the project made by Timo Arnall, Jørn Knutsen and Einar Sneve Martinussen, click HERE.
Eternal Flame
Eternal Flame is a project based on taking the pictures of Soviet Union heroes from World War 2, recreating them using bandages and burning them to create giant portrets; wich they hang from the windows of an abandoned hospital, that during the war took the wounded.
Check out the rest of the photos and the article in russian HERE.
- via The Orion
Supakitch & Koralie Documentary
Documentary about Supakitch and Koralie about the work they did, using the Posca Markers. Video made by elroy.
Supakitch / Koralie
The 50 Greatest Street Artists Right Now
“Street art is nothing new, and neither are the art dealers and banker douchebags who try to cash in on “the next big thing”. But what the high art world often fails to realize is that the core of street art is the public display of the work and the interaction with the world – it has little to do with screenprints on gallery walls. This is also probably why it continues to remain a valid art form no matter how many Banksy paintings Brad Pitt buys. ”
Check out’s list of the greatest street artists right now, HERE.
Paper Of Joy
Nice video of slovenian tapeart made by artists Fejzo and Luka Ursic.
Production by Multipraktik Collective.
sTRAdART 2011
TIMISOARA / Piata Traian si Piata Unirii / 24-26 iunie
Institutul francez din Timisoara organizeaza de 5 ani un festival atipic de arta urbana, dedicat în întregime practicilor artistice în spatiul public: sTRAdART. Ultima editie a acestui festival a fost consacrata dansului Hip-Hop si graffiti-ului.
In urma succesului de care s-a bucurat aceasta manifestare si in particular dansul Hip-Hop (ateliere în spatiul public animate de coregraful si dansatorul Bouba Landrille Tchouda si asistentul sau Cedric Gueret, spectacole, proiectii), s-a propus sa transformam aceasta manifestare intr-o prima etapa intr-o intalnire internationala de dans Hip-Hop, iar apoi intr-o bienala a dansului, dupa modelul Bienalei de Dans de la Lyon.
Vineri 24
14:30 : Deschiderea Festivalului (Piata Traian)
15:00 – 16:30 Ateliere simultane de Breakdance / Streetdance (Piata Traian, Piata Unirii)
17:00 – 18:30 Ateliere simultane de Breakdance / Streetdance (Piata Traian, Piata Unirii)
19:30 – 20:30 : Proiectie de spectacole de dans (Piata Traian)
Sambata 25
10:30 – 12:00 Ateliere simultane de Breakdance / Streetdance (Piaţa Traian, Piaţa Unirii)
13:00 – 14:30 : Ateliere simultane de Breakdance / Streetdance (Piaţa Traian, Piaţa Unirii)
16:30 / 18:00 : Spectacole de dans oferite de dansatori locali (Piata Traian)
21:00 – 00:00 : Seara hip hop maghiar (Casa Studentilor)
Duminica 26
14:00 – 14:45 : Demonstratia participanţilor la ateliere (Piata Traian)
14:45 – 15:15 : Demonstratie Pokemon crew, show case jury (Piata Traian)
15:15 – 17:00 : BATTLE Breakdance / Streetdance / B-Boy (Piata Traian)
19:30 – 20:30 : Spectacolul MURMURES al companiei Malka (Teatrul National Timisoara)
TRON Legacy : Aerosol Mural
“End of the Line, in association with Distillery Productions and Toby Summerskill, have filmed the first 3D Graffiti Time-lapse. Created to document the production of a painted promo for Disney’s Tron: Legacy this is the final 2D edit.
This groundbreaking project was filmed in December 2010 and January 2011, in a warehouse in Shoreditch with the exterior shots taken from the rooftops of East London.
Filmed over 4 days, it shows the execution of a 20-metre mural that was painted on huge canvases for installation on Great Eastern Street.“
Bulgarian Statue Graffiti
Vandalised Pimped Soviet Army monument in Sofia, Bulgaria.
Read the article “Is it a bird? Is it a plane? No, it’s Superman and friends… painted on Soviet war statue by the Banksy of Bulgaria“HERE.