Customize your own stencil in 28 characters or less, including spaces.
- via Vlad Nanca
Or, are the stylized smears, colored tags and toilet scribblings found nationwide a little of both? See what TIME has said about the graffiti phenomenon over the years.
Watch Cope2 work on an installation for TIME in Queens, New York. Painting took more than three days, using three different vinyls, and countless cans of spraypaint.
PixelRoller project is a collabortive investigation into a new creative tool between Stuart Wood MA (RCA) Interaction Design and Florian Ortkrass MA (RCA) Design Products.
- via Catalin Stirbu\
RSA depaseste 200 de imagini si Bucurestiul are peste 100.
Pentru cine e in Bucuresti sa treaca pe Lipscani si dup-aia pe straduta care merge spre Club A pentru ca niste baieti curajosi si talentati si-au facut putin de cap acolo… asta sa vedeti live ce pe arhiva.
Mergeti aici
si cautati asta:
Iasi (22-27)
Ramnicu Valcea (7-10)
Bucuresti (100-109)
Ca de obicei multumiri celor care ne trimit imagini si lui Chincisan pentru update!
Si inca o veste… In curand o carticica mica mica dar adevarata:
Romanian Stencil Archive 2003 -2005
detalii in curand!!!
- via Vlad Nanca
Doua orase noi: Targu Mures si Satu Mare
Lucrari noi din Bucuresti, Bistrita, Constanta si Sibiu
Foarte multe lucrari noi din Iasi.
RSA se dezvolta multumita celor care trimit imagini din toate orasele tarii. Mult respect!
- via Vlad Nanca
Opening Hotel FOX
21 international artists from the fields of graphic design, urban art and illustration have just turned the former Park Hotel, a regular 3-star hotel in central Copenhagen, into the world’s most exciting and creative lifestyle hotel.
61 rooms, 21 artist, 1,000 ideas
Each room is an individual piece of art. From whacky comical styles to strict graphic design. From fantastic street art and Japanese Manga to simply spaced out fantasies. You will find flowers, fairytales, friendly monsters, dreaming creatures, secrets vaults and…
- via Oana Felipov