Stencil Archive Update

RSA se imbogateste cu noi lucrari. Vara asta lumea a fost foarte activa la Sibiu si Bucuresti dar si in alte orase ale patriei.
Iata ultimele update-uri si situatia la zi:

New entry: Ploiesti cu 3 bucati
Still kicking: Ramnicu Valcea cu doua noi bucati.
Si big comeback: Bucuresti vezi 112-121
Oricum: toate orasele in caz ca nu v-ati mai uitat de mult pe

- via Vlad Nanca

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Mr. Anderson

Acum cateva zile, Bucuresti, cart. Floreasca. Inaltimea este de 1,96 (in teorie, pe perete… cu aproximatie)

HC ar fi crew-ul, dar pana la momentul asta nu am scos nici un logo care sa ne placa si asa ca am semnat cu un stencil mai vechi in care scrie HC cu nushtiu ce font. work in progress, work in progress…


Francisc Zinz Stencils

Well, just wanted to say thanks to EUROfiles.
From Bistrita City:

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Errors Monument

Sometimes i get my act together and go out and do stenciling… I did this one the other nite (with a lil help from my friends Basti and Tudor – thanks for the pic too)…
The story of the ‘heroes monument’ in short…
former president of romania Ion Iliescu ( is responsible for fucking up romania’s recent history, stealing the 1989 ‘revolution’ ( included. This horrid monument ( was Iliescu’s idea and thanks to the useless authorities, architects unions etc in romania the ‘shit on the stick’ has been errected recently. It is meant to be dedicated to the heroes of the 1989 ‘revolution’…
Our stencil reads “errors monument” (romanian word playing aroun ‘heroes monument’) and it’s attacking the ‘errors’ in recent Romanian history culminating with this horrid phallic grotesque &*^&*%& thing…

I hope u understand where i come from.

- via Vlad Nanca

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Streetclock by 3eyes, encourages people to consider the idea of time before digital technologies became pervasive.


My First Graffiti

Customize your own stencil in 28 characters or less, including spaces.

- via Vlad Nanca

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Or, are the stylized smears, colored tags and toilet scribblings found nationwide a little of both? See what TIME has said about the graffiti phenomenon over the years.

Watch Cope2 work on an installation for TIME in Queens, New York. Painting took more than three days, using three different vinyls, and countless cans of spraypaint.

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PixelRoller project is a collabortive investigation into a new creative tool between Stuart Wood MA (RCA) Interaction Design and Florian Ortkrass MA (RCA) Design Products.

- via Catalin Stirbu\

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Vlad Nanca Loves Street Art Fotolog

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Mare update la RSA

RSA depaseste 200 de imagini si Bucurestiul are peste 100.
Pentru cine e in Bucuresti sa treaca pe Lipscani si dup-aia pe straduta care merge spre Club A pentru ca niste baieti curajosi si talentati si-au facut putin de cap acolo… asta sa vedeti live ce pe arhiva.

Mergeti aici
si cautati asta:

Iasi (22-27)
Ramnicu Valcea (7-10)
Bucuresti (100-109)

Ca de obicei multumiri celor care ne trimit imagini si lui Chincisan pentru update!

Si inca o veste… In curand o carticica mica mica dar adevarata:
Romanian Stencil Archive 2003 -2005
detalii in curand!!!

- via Vlad Nanca

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