Ponturi Despre Graffiti

“Zidurile darapanate si picioarele cu glezne groase au ceva in comun: nimeni nu intoarce capul dupa ele. Trebuie sa fii tacanit ca sa o faci. Un pictor ar putea face un cult pentru glezne groase. Insa artistii sunt tacaniti. Totodata, graffer-ii intorc capul dupa ziduri darapanate.”

Tot articolu’ de la Jurnalul National il gasiti aici.

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6 Responses to Ponturi Despre Graffiti

  1. szigmund says:

    ce cacat de scriitoare, m-as reprofila daca-s fi in locul ei; daca as citi articolul ala si nu as sti despre ce e vorba, as arunca ziarul dupa primele randuri. imi venea sa vomit. e un articol de cacat.

  2. The Monk says:

    Mie mi-a placut enorm de mult… Este foarte de ghetou tipa.Oricum au si ei nevoie de material nou pentru ziar. Mi-a placut ce am vazut scris despre Sinboy, Color si Ciubi… Mie se pare chiar putin scris despre ei, nu poti sa faci un simplu articol de ziar special pentru ei. Oricum mie mi-a placut cat de groaznic a fost…Peace!

  3. Sinboy says:

    Yep, you’re all right. A fost un cacat de articol. 80% of the quotes are invented, and she got it all wrong. What can I say? She called me for an interview and came without a dictaphone or a fucking piece of paper, saying that it was for a reportage, so she just wanted information. I guess she didn’t remember anything I told her. What can I say? Scuze, I thought it might have finally been a good reportage about Romanian graffiti. I guess we’ll have to wait…

  4. Sinboy says:

    Why did I write ‘What can I say’ so much?

  5. The Monk says:

    Come on…it was cool!Orice articol este mai bun decat niciun articol.

  6. Patient Zer0 says:

    Sinboy, before you start showing off your English language skills, learn the language properly. That’s all…oh yeah, and that article really sucks ass.

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