Errors Monument

Sometimes i get my act together and go out and do stenciling… I did this one the other nite (with a lil help from my friends Basti and Tudor – thanks for the pic too)…
The story of the ‘heroes monument’ in short…
former president of romania Ion Iliescu ( is responsible for fucking up romania’s recent history, stealing the 1989 ‘revolution’ ( included. This horrid monument ( was Iliescu’s idea and thanks to the useless authorities, architects unions etc in romania the ‘shit on the stick’ has been errected recently. It is meant to be dedicated to the heroes of the 1989 ‘revolution’…
Our stencil reads “errors monument” (romanian word playing aroun ‘heroes monument’) and it’s attacking the ‘errors’ in recent Romanian history culminating with this horrid phallic grotesque &*^&*%& thing…

I hope u understand where i come from.

- via Vlad Nanca

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One Response to Errors Monument

  1. incultzilor… e cel mai semnificativ monument romanesc! nu intzelegetzi mesajul clar care reiese din aceasta (pseudo)piesa arhitecturala. Aham-aham, mai draga: In Piatza revolutziei romanii au luat Tzapa “la oua”!sau se poate interpreta ca fiind un spermatozoid aerodinamic, made in ro. Nu, pe bune, monumentul e chiar mishto; din categoria “hai sa construim fara logica”. E dadaism curat! Romania e singura tzara europeana in care mai traieshte acest curent, hai sa nu devenim stas… :P

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